It’s no secret that I’ve had a couple of long years now. In trying to get back into art creation mode, I’ve begun trying to “jump start” the process with some quick digital pieces. 

Part of my problem is that I sit down with new ideas, especially for covers and such, and I end up talking myself out of working on them. I’ve a number of times sat down in front of a blank piece of paper too, finding myself unable to see that path any longer. If I am to get back on the horse (as they say), I’m going to need to fix that.

To that end, I think some quick digital pieces are in order. I’ve done a couple since May, but I think for the foreseeable future I need to sit down and do quite a few of them. For me, it’s very much like sketching. While I love sketching, it usually feels to me to be either practice or just some rough ideas, never the final piece. 

Digital work, however, always feels like the real deal. So, if I can use digital work as my introduction back into the world of art, then so be it.

Here’s one that I did earlier today, and I frankly wanted it to be creepy and all-out horrific. When I was unemployed, looking for a job, I hesitated to show off (or even create) pieces that might be too scary or that might offend folks.

No longer.

That’s not to say I won’t do more seascapes or animal inks, I still think that expanding into those areas helps me to learn quite a lot, and expands my fan base. But the time to shy away from horror is done with.

The new art starts here, with my brand new digital art, Some Things Never Sleep (click on it below for a larger version).

In a way, the title might just say it all for me. 

Russell Dickerson

Russell Dickerson has been a lot of things over many years. Author, artist, designer, winner of awards and recognition, pursuer of the truth, leader of the earth after armageddon.